We offer a solution for broadcasting live events or 24/7 in a 100% automatic manner, providing visibility and publicity to the institution. Creating a channel for institutions with live streams and videos has never been easier.
The client's need
Reduce personnel costs.
Both religious and political institutions aim to maximize the exposure of their live events and other content, with a television channel being the most effective medium for many segments of the population. However, for them, a television channel comes with prohibitive costs because they lack the necessary personnel for both live broadcasts and continuity management during non-event periods.
Drillarium: Intelligent Multichannel Playout
Increase in audience and visibility.
Greater community engagement.
Preservation and dissemination of heritage.
Better dissemination of the institutional message.
Spiritual and cultural enrichment.
Promotion of tourism and the local economy.
With more than 2,000 customers worldwide, our solutions are globally recognized for their unmatched reliability, scalability, and performance.
Playout and Live Studio solutions for single-channel broadcasters and large multi-channel production centers.
Av. Barcelona, 211 nave 6-7 PI El Pla- 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona)